What is it?
The University of New Hampshire: Early Learning Coaching Team, put together a definition of play-based learning. It highlights the benefits, and defines the roles of both the adult and child.
Guided play is child-directed and teacher-facilitated in which teachers take an active role as intentional planners, observers, and guides.
During play, children use all their senses, communicate their thoughts and emotions, explore their environment, and connect what they already know with new knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Adults help enhance play-based learning by creating environments where rich play experiences are available.
How can you try play-based learning this month?
Choice: Allow your keiki to take ownership of their learning.
Fun: An emotional connection makes lessons stick.
Process oriented: Encourage your keiki to get in the zone with a few challenges and lots of time to get fully engaged.
Planning a Learning Event at iTrampoline Hawaii.
With the help of iTrampoline Hawaii, teachers are getting a chance to integrate academic skills with fun exercise and activities. Our events team has put together protocols to help schools make a smooth transition back into the field trip routine at www.itrampolinehawaii.com/post/book-an-event.
Department of EducaƟon, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories (2014). Integrated Kindergarten Curriculum: A HolisƟc Approach to Children’s Early Learning, from hƩps://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/sites/ www.ece.gov.nt.ca/files/resources/ kindergarten_curriculum_2014.pdf
OntarioScienceCentre. (2017). How to get into Play-Based Learning: Part 1 - What is Play? YouTube. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31gZZZ-XG94.
University of New Hampshire: Preschool Development Grant. (2021, October 27). Play-based learning defined. College of Health and Human Services. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from https://chhs.unh.edu/early-childhood/play-based-learning-coaching-teaching/play-based-learning-defined